We are sent to share the embodied gospel
Worship Services on Sundays 4:30pm at 1615 NC-54, Durham.

MISSIO is the latin word for "mission".
Our name is inspired by the Christian teaching called "missio Dei" which means the "mission of God" or the "sending of God." We believe God is at work in this world to redeem it and calls humanity to participate in His work.
MISSIO DURHAM is a new church in South Durham. Didi and Amber Wong, along with their three boys, moved back to their beloved Durham for this work. The Missio Core Group started meeting in June 2021 to be equipped to start this church. In February 2022, the Core Group multiplied into three MISSIO GROUPS (small groups) meeting at different times during the week to build connection with one another and to love their neighborhoods, workplaces, and communities.
MISSIO WORSHIP SERVICES began Easter Sunday 2022 and continue on Sundays 4:30-6:00pm in the Christus Victor Lutheran Church building (1615 NC-54, Durham NC 27713). Dress is casual. We value participation and connection at our services. Participation is invited not required!
MISSIO KIDS is our growing children's ministry! Nursery is available for ages 0 to 3 year old children for the entire service. Children's church is available for ages 4 to 7 year old children during the sermon. Children are welcome to stay with their parents during the service. We embrace their delightful noises!
All Missio Kids volunteers have passed background checks and follow the church's safety protocols.
Missio Durham is a congregation in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC).
The EPC's motto is "In Essentials: Unity. In Non-Essentials: Liberty. In All Things: Charity."
For more information about the EPC's beliefs, click here. As Christians, we affirm the ecumenical creeds of the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed. As Presbyterians, we affirm the Westminster Confession of Faith. We welcome all who are curious about our expression of faith. We emphasize what unites us as Christians.
Upcoming Events
- Sun, Mar 16CVLC Fellowship Hall

Missio Groups are not just one ministry of Missio Durham. Missio Groups are the church on mission through mutuality.
The question is not, "What can I get out of Missio Groups?" Rather, the question is, "How can God use me and my spiritual gifts through Missio Groups?"
Join our groups to experience community within and build community locally in our neighborhoods, in our workplaces, and in our affinities. We strive to love God by following God's call to "love your neighbor as yourself" as we go about life in this world.
Tuesdays: 6:00-7:30pm
Tuesdays: 7:00-8:30pm
Wednesdays: 6:30-8:00pm
Saturdays: 3:00-5:00pm
Contact Pastor Didi to see which group would fit you best (missiochurchdurham@gmail.com)! We are also always ready to start new groups.
Missio Staff
Missio Durham seeks to partner with other non-profits and churches, locally and globally, for the purpose of living out our vision.

Parktown Food Hub is an awesome local food pantry that is providing food and bringing people together in the Parkwood neighborhood of South Durham. Missio Durham is glad to partner with Parktown Food Hub by adopting the canned bean shelf in their pantry. We provide 150 canned beans a month and volunteer at special events. Here is a description from their website:
"The Parktown Food Hub is a community-based effort to bring people together around food, something that every single human being requires. We all need food, and we all need community, friends, relationships.The Parktown Food Hub seeks to be a spot where all of those needs can be met."

Mutare Trinity Church (MTC) and New Life Trinity Church (NLTC) are church plants in Mutare and 60 miles outside of Mutare respectively. They are affiliated with the denomination REACHZim (Reformed Evangelical Anglican Church in Zimbabwe). MTC was planted in 2019 by Pastor Washington and his wife Roina. They were experiencing encouraging growth until the pandemic hit. COVID19 brought many struggles to the church plant and the country of Zimbabwe. NLTC was planted at a "growth point", which is a rural area that is being developed into a town, at the end of 2022 by Pastor Washington.
Missio Durham gives financial support for weekly worship rental in the midst of exorbitant rental markets, and for other needs. We provide mutual prayer and encouragement to one another in our respective church planting work. More recently, we provided capital to help them start New Life Grocery Store. Trinity Churches aim to provide tangible hope by multiplying entrepreneurial efforts through income from this grocery store. We continue to prayerfully explore what deeper partnership with MTC looks like.
"As my Father sent me, I am sending you." - Jesus

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth."
The Apostle John

GOD'S WORK - God works and we participate. It is God’s work of creating, renewing, and blessing this world, and we participate by listening to and following Him.
MISSION - God sends us on His mission to joyfully participate in restoring humanity to Himself and renewing this world. Our joyful purpose and discipleship in Jesus are wrapped up in our being sent.
CENTERING GOSPEL - God centers us around his gospel message of love – individually and together. The gospel is God’s work of creating, renewing, and blessing this world through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
MUTUALITY - God made us different people and engaging our differences help us more fully reflect the image of God and therefore the character of God. Our differences are many and beautiful but include personality, background, socio-economic status, ethnicity, and culture. We need each other.
EMBODIMENT - God creates us to be tangible expressions of Jesus’ love. Jesus is the embodied gospel. We authentically share the message of Jesus through our words, our actions, and our lives.
TRANSFORMATION - God transforms us from death to life and darkness to light through the Word of God – Jesus revealed in the Scriptures.

Artwork by our people
Missio Creatives

Contribute to Missio
We are thankful to God and all our supporters who partner with us in this work through their financial stewardship.
Cheerful giving is a gift from God!